While scrolling the internet I came upon this old blog of.. mine! May I say that what you put into the internet, stays in the internet? Maybe?... Especially when you forget the password and the old yahoo email doesn't work anymore, that happened to me with my flickr account, but this is the other story.
Back to this one, I felt the impulse, maybe it is time to share something again? The last entry was on 2009 and today is 2020, it seems a decade vanished into the air. I grew older and maybe wiser, I would prefer only wiser for sure but you live and life has other ideas for you. What else.. I moved homes and countries, now we are located in sunny Spain although at the moment there are some troubles under the shinny sky. Bizarre times when corona virus is floating in the air and we are in the lock down in our own homes, new experience for all of us human beings. It will be interesting to remember this timing after another decade. For now there is some hope that we will be able to enjoy sandy beaches and breathtaking panoramic views from Pyrenees mountains pretty soon and eventually come back to Lithuania to have some family time. You can only guess who is dreaming about gardens and morning grass under the feet after few months in concrete jungles... Yes, that's me. Hello!